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Visualizar tus ideas multiplicará su impacto hacia un cambio positivo

Visual Thinking es un lenguaje universal que le ayudará a mejorar la comunicación, potenciar la creatividad y colaborar eficazmente.

Servicios de Visual Thinking

Live drawing and scribing

You share your ideas and I draw them in real-time. Your contents will be clear, memorable, and shareable.

Visual Storytelling

Explain complex ideas in a way that everyone will understand, remember and want to share worldwide.

Visual SenseMaking

Sesiones de consultoría para ayudarle a obtener claridad e inspirar la acción con los superpoderes del pensamiento visual.

Training for Companies

Do you want to communicate innovative ideas with confidence? Improve your team collaboration and effectiveness? Cultivate creativity and resilience?

Sí, estos cursos son para ti.

Experiment in an inspiring, active and reflective space with the latest innovative methodologies

How can visual thinking help you?

Hi there! I am Marina

Innovation Consultant, trainer, and illustrator.

“My mission is to support you to visualize the world we want to live in. Make visible the invisible, and possible the impossible, by mapping and translating your ideas into actions with the magical powers of visual thinking.”

Clients and Partners

Happy clients!


¡No dudes en ponerte en contacto!

Estaré encantada de explorar contigo cómo la animación y el visual thinking pueden impulsar a tu proyecto.

Espero tener noticias tuyas pronto,
